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عرض الكل

Arpel-Naturgas Week: Colombia pivots to Venezuelan gas despite offshore bounty

An announcement this week at the Arpel-Naturgas conference in Cartagena suggests that the administration of Colombian President Gustavo Petro is putting more emphasis on Venezuelan gas than domestic alternatives.

argentina gas

Argentina gas surge hastens exit of Bolivian gas

Argentina’s gas surge is at once accelerating Bolivia’s demise as a gas supplier and reinforcing South America’s dependence on fossil fuels.

fossil fuel bridge

Guyana’s climate credentials tested by fossil fuel “bridge”

A new gas-to-power project, dubbed a fossil fuel “bridge,” poses a challenge in a country that is especially vulnerable to climate change.

gas flaring

Venezuela gas flaring in spotlight as nation gradually re-opens

The recent gradual easing of U.S. sanctions on the country is calling attention to Venezuela's gas flaring.

brazil fossil fuels

Brazil fossil fuels plan under Lula may not transpire

Brazil’s president-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva wants to reassert some form of state control over motor fuel prices and steer state-run Petrobras back into refining, but analysts say he will have limited political and economic scope for major near-term fossil fuels policy changes.


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عرض الكل

Arpel-Naturgas Week: Pursuit of Venezuelan gas won’t breach sanctions, says Ecopetrol

Future imports from Venezuela align with the Colombian government’s strategy, the chief executive of Ecopetrol told conference delegates.