
injection wells

Oil and gas injection wells risk to groundwater in Texas

A legal filing to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by a group of NGOs alleges that tens of thousands of oil and gas injection wells pose threats to groundwater. EPA has launched an investigation.

injection wells

New study finds overwhelming evidence of harms from fracking

A review of the scientific literature reveals enormous public health, environmental, and climate damage from fracking. Authors say that “no rules or regulations can make these practices safe.”

Fracking in Argentina’s Vaca Muerta leads to earthquakes

New research shows a strong link between fracking and seismic activity in Vaca Muerta, but Argentine authorities ignore the problem.

New UK PM does shale u-turn, incensing environmentalists

New UK Prime Minister Liz Truss has lifted the moratorium on shale gas fracking, raising environmental concerns.